Alice's Adventures in Wonderland - Lewis Carroll (Read-Along Audiobook)

Alice's Adventures in Wonderland - Lewis Carroll (Read-Along Audiobook)

Scarcely anyone needs an introduction to Alice in Wonderland, the adventures of a perfectly ordinary little girl to whom the most extraordinary things happened. For generations children and adults have so delighted in this book's droll wit, delicious humor, and fascinating fantasy that today it is one of the most beloved and widely quoted books of all time.

Meet Alice as she follows a busy little white rabbit down a rabbit hole. There she enters a world populated by the Mad Hatter, the Queen of Hearts, and dozens of other amusing characters whose nonsense makes a great deal of sense most of the time. Alice herself begins to behave oddly as she finds herself shrinking and stretching.

Lewis Carroll was a well known professor of mathematics at Oxford University. He wrote this book because he loved children and because he particularly wanted to entertain one of his favorite friends, a little girl named Alice Liddell.

Adapted from the dust jacket of the Illustrated Junior Library edition

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